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Dr Zaki Rezwana Anwar FRSA
Covid Articles
Covid Videos
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[18/01/2021] | BritBangla24 ~ The importance of having a medical grade pulse oximeter at home
[18/01/2021] | AnupomNews24 ~ The silent killer during the pandemic that we should all be aware of
[17/01/2021] | Janomot Newsweekly ~ How spotting one alarming sign could help you save lives
[15/01/2021] | AnupomNews24 ~ An infodemic can be just as dangerous and deadly as a pandemic
[14/01/2021] | BritBangla24 ~ Why it is essential for British Bangladeshis to take the vaccines
[14/01/2021] | Shottobani News ~ A scientific explanation as to why these vaccines are Halal
[13/01/2021] | Janomot Newsweekly ~ Vaccine ingredients are safe for the Muslim community
[30/12/2020] | BritBangla24 ~ Look out for these signs in children during the pandemic
[29/12/2020] | Janomot Newsweekly ~ Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome in children, and its effects
[29/11/2020] | BritBangla24 ~ The necessity of following public health measures even after vaccines
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